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About Evidence

We don't want you to provide reams and reams of evidence to support the audit. Just give us enough to demonstrate that you are achieving what you say you are and that it is rigorous and lasting.

Evidence can be written, observed or oral

Written - in an existing document, report or record. If it is written, leave it where it is. Don't copy it into a Healthy School evidence file (unless you want to!), just reference it.

Observed - if we visited your school we'd see it for ourselves, either physically or in the ethos and practice of the school. For example, we could see the new playground zoning in action or observe the peer mentors at work during breaktimes.

Oral - something that a member of the school community could tell us about wellbeing in the school. For example, the School Council could relate an example where they have made a difference to pupil wellbeing or the person in charge of the cookery club could explain what impact being in the club has had on individual pupils.

Evidence is 'good' if it is:

Rigorous - can be tested and demonstrates it has a lasting effect

Recent - usually no more than twelve months old (so it is good practice to date evidence entries in your audit)

Relevant  - has an impact on school community wellbeing

Replicable - you could do the same things again and achieve something positive

Recognisable - by the wider school community or those directly involved if we looked for it or asked other partners

Rich - really helps tell the story of your wellbeing work and the difference it has made.